Sandra with her plantains.

Successful Change

Sandra shares what she felt when she heard about CEPAD’s Family Gardening Program.

“It was in this moment that I felt this to be my opportunity to improve my home, lan, and family by growing our own produce without using a lot of space or time.”

Since then, Sandra took what little land she had and started working with it. She shares about her experience in the program.

“Due to the workshops and 10 diverse seeds for vegetables, plantains, and fruits, I’m able to take advantage of my garden. I make and use organic compost and insecticide. I can harvest in different months throughout the year, securing tomatoes, pepper, onion, carrots, squash, cucumbers, radish, yucca, papaya, pineapple, and plantains. Even more than learning how to grow my own produce, I’ve also. learned how to save seeds, which makes my garden sustainable for future harvests.”

Thanks to some new knowledge and materials, Sandra is set up for success for years to come. She no longer has to worry about feeding her family or how she will afford her basic needs. YOU have created this change in Sandra’s life. To change more communities for the better, you can partner with CEPAD here.