Alba with her peppers, tomatoes, and lettuce.

New Life

“Before,  I never went outside my community. If I wanted to buy something for me, I needed to ask my spouse. Never before had I planted something in my yard. I waited for my. husband to bring food for the family.”

Alba shares about what life was like before CEPAD’s programs came to her community. She also reflects on the changes she’s seen.

“Being organized with CEPAD, along with others in my community, I feel happy and that I have more opportunities in life. Now that we are more organized, we go to other communities to share our experiences and the success of our produce. I no longer rely on my husband; it is me who is helping him economically. We eat, give away, and sell our produce.”

As you can see, the change is night and day. Alba has a new life that she can look forward to each day.

“Praise be to God that my husband and one of my sons are always helping me in the garden. In one year, I’ve made more than C25,000 ($700) from my harvests. I give thanks to God, CEPAD, and all the donors that make it possible for us to receive this help in our community.”

Thank YOU for helping women like Alba dream a new future for her family. To give more women this same opportunity, partner with CEPAD here.