Gracias a Dios

If you’ve visited Nicaragua before, you may have caught a common phrase we use, “gracias a Dios”, thanks be to God. You’ve probably heard this phrase in church, but in Nicaragua, it’s common to use and hear it multiple times each day. Many of our morning interactions look like this:

“Good morning, how are you today?”

“I’m good, thanks be to God, and how are you?”

“Good, thanks be to God.”

This response is used in so many ways. How was work today? Did the meeting go well? How was your trip? The list goes one.

We invite you to reflect on all the big and little ways you could use this phrase, not just once a week in church on Sunday, but in every aspect of your day to day life. Thanksgiving is a special day to remember all of our blessings, but it’s a good practice everyday. God is good and He deserves the glory for even the smallest of miracles – a good day at work, a successful meeting, a safe trip, even just for a new day.

At CEPAD, we are thankful for the work God has given us, for our donors and supporters, and His presence even amid the difficult situation in Nicaragua. We are so thankful for you, dear friends, and YOUR impact in Nicaragua.

We want to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to all of our international friends who are celebrating today!