Left: Bladimir on his land

Above: Bladimir with his water barrel from CEPAD

Discipleship turned to Legacy

Bladimir is a small farmer in rural Nicaragua, who was unaware that how he was treating his land wasn’t good for it. “Before being organized with the community and receiving this training from CEPAD, I burned my land after harvest. But today, I’m surprised at the marvelous things I’ve learned and the restyle that I have.”

As a disciple, Bladimir receives training from another farmer in CEPAD’s programs. Bladimir learns from his neighbor Gilberto, who has taught him how to make his own organic compost and fertilizer. With these new techniques, Bladimir could make 8 liters of his own fertilizer, which is not only better for his plants as it’s all organic, but helps him save money. If he would have had to purchase fertilizer, he would’ve paid around $110 for something full of chemicals.

Now Bladimir is able to feed his family fresh, organic produce while taking care of his land at the same time.

“As a small farmer, I didn’t have the money or the time to go to Jinotepe to buy produce, because in the market, a pound of beans costs C45 ($1.25), which I can’t afford, and neither can the other farmers of the community. Each day we are poorer and more vulnerable to the rainy seasons. For that reason, I give thanks to God for the Food Security and Environmental Care Program through CEPAD. They have given us so many answers to our needs and worries as small farmers.”

As Bladimir continues to learn, he hopes to pass down this new knowledge to his son, creating a legacy of change.

“I want to leave this legacy for my son to conserve the soil and water, and therefore conserve the ecosystem. The Earth is groaning because of our cruelty, how we didn’t know the damage we were doing by burning.”

Thank you for partnering with CEPAD to make this lasting change possible. To provide more farmers with the same opportunity, you can give here.