Remembering a Friend

Written by Jo Buescher, Board of Directors, CEPAD USA

From my first visit to Nicaragua in 1992, to my most recent in February of this year, Gilberto was always there with a warm greeting and big smile. I will miss my esteemed colleague and dear friend.

Together with his other stellar attributes, Gilberto was a man of vision – always seeking out ways to communicate the message of the Gospel – in word and by action.

Years ago, he envisioned a radio station that would broadcast the Good News to the small villages of Nicaragua. He recruited radio engineers from Seattle to volunteer their time, and U.S. delegations carried spare parts in their suitcases to contribute to the effort. Now, years later, Radio CEPAD broadcasts news, music, and daily messages of hope.

On one visit to Managua I remember standing in what was the vehicle maintenance garage and training center. (If the Profe was involved, there was always a “training center” component). He told us of his idea to create a guest house, so visitors from other countries could come and learn about CEPAD’s work in Nicaragua firsthand. The floors were stained with grease and the place smelled of motor oil. I was dubious.

Today, that property is the center of CEPAD’s ministries, housing the central offices, the delegations office, meeting rooms and comfortable accommodations for nearly 50 overnight guests. Gilberto had a way of seeing beyond the limitations of the present in order to create new opportunities in the future.

Always fortified by his deep and abiding faith and a keen sense of humor, Gilberto stood strong in the face of adversity, serving without limitation the people of Nicaragua whom he loved. I have been honored by a long and enduring friendship with this kind and compassionate man of God.

Gilberto Aguirre, Presente!