Wilmar Chávez, Administrative Assistant to the Executive Director.

Our Staff – Wilmar Chávez

We want you to meet our staff! Though you may know some of them, or have met them if you’ve visited, we want to share more about them and what they do for CEPAD.

Wilmar Chávez is the Administrative Assistant to the Executive Director, and has worked with CEPAD for 38 years. She helps review funds available in the bank for CEPAD’s central and regional offices, prepares documents for meetings of the directors and the board, and writes and saves reports. Wilmar is also active in leading CEPAD’s Monday devotionals.

Wilmar shares what she likes about working with CEPAD. “I have been able to use the knowledge I’ve learned in this place, and know I have contributed my grain of sand so our brothers and sisters in the countryside can have a better quality of life.”

We are thankful for Wilmar’s many years of hard work and dedication to CEPAD and our mission. She invites you to continue partnering with us:

“Please continue supporting this beautiful ministry, which has given hope to our brothers and sisters in the countryside, especially to those who have had little opportunity. The transformations the communities have experienced, acquiring new knowledge of how to better work and farm their land, better their diet, and improve their state of life, is incredible.”