Friends of CEPAD: Laura

Laura O’Shaughnessy shares how she got involved with CEPAD and why she decided to give monthly.

“I learned about CEPAD during my first trip to Nicaragua in 1980. I was traveling with a group of Christians under the sponsorship of the New York State Council of Churches. We were invited to the home of Dr. Gustavo Parajón and his wife. That visit and the conversations we had with many CEPAD ministers and lay pastors was life-changing for me. In the midst of the challenging and uncertain times, this stalwart group of Christians was moving forward with their goal of making the Christian vision of a just world a reality in Nicaragua.

Decades later they are still committed to improving the lives of Nicaraguans. At a time in the United States where it is easy to become discouraged about our callous disregard for the least among us, CEPAD is still at work with vision and commitment for a better, humane future. They are an inspirational example of what can be done.

I became a monthly sponsor several years ago because I want to help CEPAD with a reliable income stream to continue the programs they have started to empower women and train farm families to improve the quality of their daily lives.”

Thank you, Laura, for you long-term commitment to CEPAD and taking part in transforming lives in Nicaragua!