Dear friend,

“I had never expected to fear hunger. In the past we were concerned about having enough drinking water, but now we have to worry about having enough food.” Imagine knowing that all your hard work to grow food for your family has been erased by one rainfall, and that you don’t have money to purchase food elsewhere. This is the reality for many families in Nicaragua.

Donald has always been so proud of his family and four children. He is a farmer in a village in rural Nicaragua who supports his family by growing their own food. Donald never went to school, but it is important for him that his children study so they have a better future.

But Donald’s children may not be able to continue going to school because of the effect of climate change on his farming. Periods of intense dry weather followed by heavy rains have made growing food almost impossible. If his children are malnourished and hungry, they can’t go to school.

YOU can ensure that Donald and his children have enough to eat by supporting training opportunities for him. Will you help them?

Donald desperately needs training to learn new techniques to grow crops for his family. His old farming techniques are ineffective and his family faces an uncertain future without your support. YOU have the opportunity to give these families the ability to feed themselves. Your gift will mean Donald’s children can go to school and have new opportunities in the future.

Each gift you make means that families in CEPAD’s partner villages will receive trainings to learn new farming techniques that are more effective against climate change.

Will you consider a gift to ensure we reach our goal of $30,000 to support training for farmers in 2020?

For every farmer that receives training, he or she shares their new knowledge with at least 3-4 more families. Your impact goes far beyond just the families who receive training thanks to your generosity.

  • $45 supports training for 1 farmer
  • $90 trains 1 farmer
  • $180 trains 2 farmers
  • $270 trains 3 farmers

Every dollar you give is multiplied by farmers who share their new knowledge with others. Please hurry to make your gift today. If it is received before December 31st, it will be put to use in trainings for farmers starting in January.

Thank you for your generosity in the face of a growing crisis for farming families in Nicaragua.

We are thankful for friends like you,

Dámaris Albuquerque
Executive Director, CEPAD