CEPAD Helps With Quake Recovery

By Damaris Albuquerque, Executive Director

Since April 10, Nicaragua has suffered two earthquakes and more than 580 aftershocks. The epicenters are primarily in the Momotombo and Apoyeque volcanoes, near Lake Managua. The towns and cities Nagarote, Mateare, Puerto Momotombo and Managua have been the most affected.The official reports state that two people died of heart attacks, 231 homes totally collapsed and another 2,408 homes were damaged. The government is attending to the population, constructing and reparing homes, and providing housing for people without a safe place to go.CEPAD, in coordination with the Ebenezer Pastoral Committee of Mateare and as a member of Act Alliance, is formulating a plan to help 225 families from May to June with food, other emergency items, emotional support and pastoral care. We appreciate your prayers and support for this plan. We will continue giving the most updated information.


Desde el 10 de abril Nicaragua ha sufrido dos terremotos y más de 580 réplicas con epicentros principalmente en los volcanes Momotombo y Apoyeque cerca del lago de Managua, siendo afectados los municipios de Nagarote, Mateare, Puerto Momotombo y Managua en menor grado.Las cifras oficiales dicen que hubo 2 muertes por infarto,  231 viviendas colapsaron totalmente y otras 2,408 casas fueron dañadas. El gobierno está atendiendo a la población construyendo o reparando las viviendas y trasladando a albergues a personas que habitan en casas no seguras.

El CEPAD, en coordinación con el Comité Pastoral Ebenezer de Mateare y como miembro de la Alianza ACT, está formulando un plan para atender a 225 familias en los meses de mayo-julio con alimentos, avituallamiento (non-food items) y atención emocional (emotional recovery and pastoral care). Agradeceremos las oraciones y su aporte a este plan. Seguiremos dando la información mas actualizado.