CEPAD and Climate Change

We don’t just want to celebrate the beauty of creation today, but remember that we are not doing enough to reverse climate change. Nicaragua has experienced the dangerous effects of climate change over the past several years, and have been negatively impacted. Within CEPAD’s sustainable and organic farming program, we are working hard to combat climate change using organic techniques. We want to highlight the techniques we are using to transform farmland across Nicaragua.

  • Reforestation: CEPAD works to encourage the planting of trees, both those that produce fruit, and those that don’t. Trees are an important tool for combatting climate change because they provide shade, preventing fast evaporation of rainwater, and strengthening the soil with their roots.
  • Diversifying Crops: is important for enriching the soil and bettering the quality.
  • Organic Fertilizer: farmers learn how to use local and organic materials they already have on their property to make a nutrient-rich, natural fertilizer for their plants.
  • Organic Pesticide: helps to keep harmful insects away while also protecting their plants and produce from using harsh chemicals. Farmers are able to make these pesticides using ingredients they already have on the farm (chiles, onion, garlic, vinegar, etc.)
  • Small water reservoirs: to capture rainwater to use during the dry season.
  • Infiltration trenches (irrigation ditches): help the water to be well-absorbed into the ground and allow the plants to get the water they need to flourish. The trenches also make sure the water is used effectively and purposefully.
  • Natural wind breaks: to protect the plants in flat areas and prevents soil erosion as well.
  • Using terraces: to prevent soil erosion.
  • Staggered planting: Farmers learn how to plant their crops a few weeks apart so they will always have produce available to eat and sell.
  • Not burning land: Burning land is a common practice to clear it, but it also dries the land and burns away important nutrients. CEPAD helps farmers understand why this bad and how they can clear land naturally if they need to.

If you would like to help Nicaraguan farmers combat climate change, you can partner with CEPAD!