Gretel, one of the rural youth leaders in the Somoto area.

Breaking Cycles

Gretel, a young university student, is working to help break vicious cycles in her community.

Due to rural locations, poverty, and lack of opportunity, kids and teens are vulnerable to fall into addiction or violence. Our Youth Leadership Program aims to empower youth leaders with the tools to engage at-risk kids to get them out of vulnerable situations. Gretel has been a part of this change.

“The community has changed. Many of the youth that were antisocial have now set aside their differences and communicate together. Thanks to CEPAD and their competent staff, we’ve been able to break up gangs so there are no fights anymore. We even go to other communities to speak to their youth.”

Eradicating gang activity is a major success for Gretel and her community. To help more youth leaders like Gretel, partner with us here.