Benedicto (far right) with the rest of his community’s development committee.

A Dream Come True

Benedicto, a rural community leader, shares that working with CEPAD is, “a dream made into reality.”

Trying to serve his community, Benedicto felt discouraged that it was hard to get organized together. But when CEPAD came to his community, Benedicto jumped at the opportunity to join the Community Development Committee (CDC) advocating for their needs to the local government.

Benedicto and the rest of the CDC have seen the fruits of their labor through water services and housing. Working with the local government, they were able to ensure better housing for two families with homes made of concrete and new roofing material. The CDC was also able to get water closer to families by installing tubes in each sector of the community.

“Now we have a water source in front of our house. Before this, we had to walk almost a kilometer to get water. During the time that CEPAD has accompanied us, I’ve seen great changes in my community and family. I want to continue working for the wellbeing of my community and to keep learning new ways to serve better.”

With Benedicto and the rest of the committee better equipped to advocate for their needs and work with the local authorities, we are confident that they will thrive in the years to come.