Empowered Youth | Alina

“Being in the program has helped me a lot. Before, I didn’t really like socializing with others; I was really shy. Now, I’m able to share about what I’ve learned with other youth in my community through games and conversation.”

At only 15 years old, Alina is an active participant in CEPAD’s Youth Leadership Program, where she has learned about healthy relationships, intervention strategies to respond to a crisis, mental health, basic counseling techniques, and the appropriate code of conduct when working with children.

These workshops empower youth leaders like Alina to engage with vulnerable youth through games, sports, or other activities to help keep them out of violence, addiction, or substance abuse.

Alina notes how she has seen CEPAD’s work transform her community.

“When CEPAD came to my community, there was a change. Not only did they facilitate material resources like fruit trees, water filters, hygiene kits, and other items, but they also helped teach us new knowledge in diverse areas – for leaders, farmers, women, and youth. All of this leads to a community development where all of the members are involved, seen, and taken into account.”

Our goal is to help reach vulnerable youth across the country by empowering local youth leaders. To provide workshops to even more leaders, you can partner with us here.

Alina in a youth leadership workshop.